Foods that are commonly fortified with this vitamin include breakfast cereals, nutritional yeast, and non-dairy milk. Adding more of these foods to your diet can help ensure that you are getting enough of this essential vitamin. If you eat meat or other animal products, you can also get this vitamin directly from your food without having to look for products that have been fortified.

Most people can benefit from taking a vitamin B12 supplement. This is especially true as people age since nutrient absorption naturally declines. Supplements are inexpensive and easy to take. In the long run, they can help protect your health and keep you feeling strong and vibrant for many years to come. When you consider how little it costs to purchase B12 supplements, it is easy to see that they are a smart investment in your health.

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As people age, their bodies are capable of absorbing less and less of this vitamin from their food. As a result, supplementation is often necessary. B12 supplements are usually most effective when taken sublingually. That means that rather than swallowing the pill, you simply place it under your tongue and allow it to absorb through your skin. When shopping for supplements, be sure to look for one that is specifically designed for sublingual use.

Additionally, consider eating foods that are fortified with this powerful vitamin. Because it is water-soluble, you don't have to worry about overdosing on it. Any excess B12 that you consume will simply be flushed out of the body through urination. 

The Importance Of Getting Enough Vitamin B12

Giving your body the vitamins and minerals that it needs to function can help you stay healthy and strong. One of the most important vitamins for a number of bodily functions is vitamin B12. Unfortunately, this vitamin only occurs naturally in animal products such as meat or eggs. There are no plant-based foods that provide B12 on their own without being fortified. Because of this, vegetarians, vegans, or people who don't eat a lot of meat often struggle to get enough B12 in their diets.

In the body, this vitamin plays a key role in the metabolism of protein. It also helps maintain the overall health of the central nervous system and assists with forming red blood cells. People who are deficient in this essential vitamin can experience a number of different symptoms ranging from numbness and tingling to weakness or an overall loss of balance and coordination.